15 February, 2015

Castles in the air

 This organic, abstract sculpture has been painted with my Chumporn beach sand engobe.  Various coloured glazes over. And finally lots of air plants inserted all over it.


These tumblers were made to test out my new green glaze. One dip is very pale. Two dips is beautiful mossy green.

More mug shots

 These mugs have had an underglaze slip applied. I mixed course sand from our Chumporn beach into the colored engobe before bisque. The silica in the sand has melted. There Is not much texture but many colors

Ice bucket with tear drop.

Ok. It's a lot like another ice bucket I've made. But this one is in my own kiln with my own glaze.

 here is that tear drop.

 And look at the beautiful green glaze.

Mosquito coil burners

 a sand dollar and  brain coral inspired these very useful coil burners.
Inside is a serrated grid to rest the burning coil onto. You won't need to find those little annoying tin stands anymore.