28 February, 2012

Two abalone guys dress up in tuxedo and pretend to be vases

The annual KIS International School Charity Art competition is scheduled for April 27th, 2012. the theme is TOGETHER. I've created these simple, elegant cylindrical forms with a ripple down their sides. When placed together, they form an interesting negative space between them.
Their fleshy ripples are full of movement and fluidity. Their white collars also invite a caress along their silken contours.
The jackets' glaze is an oil-spot Temmoku, highlighted with a pearly clear glaze that breaks up on different surfaces. The jacket shares a likeness with an abalone shell and the ripples are the flesh feeling its way out of the shell. The shirt glaze is a flat white, like clean fresh-cooked seafood.. Can you tell I'm hungry as I write this?
Recently bought by Gretchen W.

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